Akmon Info

This page contains information on size guides and instructions on how to replace filters on Akmon masks.



How to wear your Akmon mask




How to change the filter of your Akmon mask?



Check out the Akmon size guide for further details:

Akmon Size Guide


How to replace the filter on your Akmon mask




Changing Filters​


From the inside of the mask pull the side of the valves as indicated by the arrows. Pull each valve apart and set them aside. Remove the filter and retrieve your clean replacement filter. Ensure the filter is the right way around and that the holes of the fabric and filter are aligned before pushing the filter into the lining of the mask. Secure the valves back in place and you are ready to continue your journey!



Installing Valves


Retrieve one of the valves, from the picture you can see the side that should be on the exterior of the mask, insert it into the front face of the mask. Hold the valve firmly in place and turn the mask over. Take the lower part of the valve (with the tab) and place it onto the underside of the valve. Press both faces of the valve firmly together until you feel three clicks, this will ensure it is securely in place. Repeat this process for the second valve.