You mean the world to us, so let’s protect you both
Environmental awareness and protection is vital to sustaining healthy life, and is at the core of everything we do
Our mission
Taking care of our most precious resources
Pollution poisons every aspect of our lives and contaminates our water, food, and air, making them dangerous to consume. Pollution kills organisms, destroys ecosystems, and threatens extinction of entire species. Humans are responsible for releasing toxins into the environment - the same toxins we then inadvertently eat, drink, and breathe, contributing to increases in disease and premature death. AETHAER is committed to protecting humans from the environment as well as protecting the environment from humans. Now with over 90% of the world population unable to breathe clean air, air pollution has become our most immediate threat, and hence why it is our primary focus

Global average AQI

Global average AQI

Global average AQI
Our story
AETHAER was founded on the 1st of January 2016 to gain awareness for the issues surrounding air pollution

We launched with one simple product - a breath of clean, natural, fresh air
The jar, made from recyclable materials, formed the first in a series of limited edition enviro-political artworks; every jar unique, and each contained 580ml of clean, naturally occurring fresh air, farmed from one of 5 selected Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) from the Great British countryside. The air was not filtered, pressurised, or processed in any way
AETHAER is derived from the Ancient Greek word for pure, fresh air - aether
The sale of AETHAER artworks served their purpose by making headlines, and highlighted the issue that over 90% of the world’s population does not have access to fresh air. Our artworks are still created in limited edition runs, and all funds raised through their sale are used to further our efforts in protecting the environment

Our work
Since we started, a lot has changed, but the aim is the same – provide clean air that’s safe to breathe
AETHAER website & App
By creating an account on this website or by downloading the AETHAER app, we will alert you if your surrounding air quality degrades to an unsafe level. The website and app work in conjunction to form an integrated air quality monitoring system. If you want to be updated on the go, you’ll need to download the app
Be prepared with protective-wear
Air quality can degrade rapidly so it’s important to be prepared. We stock a range of anti-pollution products that filter the air you breathe. You can use the AETHAER app to track your usage of these products, so you know when it’s time to change them or replace their filters
Spread awareness
Education and knowledge-building are the key to providing effective protection. The more people know about the dangers of pollution, the more they can do to protect themselves from it. Part of our task is to make sure people are informed, and know everything they need to in order to stay safe. You can help others by telling them what you know about the dangers of air pollution, and what they can do to protect themselves from it
Contact Us
We welcome any comments you’d like to share with us
Contact us via our email form, or alternatively you can message us directly at
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